well, i have been searching the web for a hosting site...something easy to use and relatively reasonably priced. do you have any ideas? who do you use for your hosting site? did you build it yourself?
what about a laptop? what are some must have features? i am currently looking at Dell but i could be swayed in other directions.
i really am at a loss as to what i really want to do for these things....any comments would be helpful!! thanks.
you can post comments or email me directly at kparkerdesigns@yahoo.com or artsydoll@yahoo.com
what about a laptop? what are some must have features? i am currently looking at Dell but i could be swayed in other directions.
i really am at a loss as to what i really want to do for these things....any comments would be helpful!! thanks.
you can post comments or email me directly at kparkerdesigns@yahoo.com or artsydoll@yahoo.com
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