Ringing in the New Year!

just wanted to say Happy New Year to all my friends and family and everyone who checks out my blog. Have a safe and happy new year.

Now, that the new year is here, i can hardly believe it is, what are your goals for the new year? do you have any specific goals or are they more broad and general? leave your comments for all of us to see. maybe we can work on our goals together.

here are some of my goals for 2009 - i have posted 12...one for each month

1. read "I'd rather be in the studio" by Alyson B Stanfield
2. sell at least $1000.00 in paintings
3. spend at least 10 hours a week creating art
4. spend at least 5 hours a week marketing my art
5. create an outline and the first chapter on a book i have in mind
6. write curriculum on a portfolio class i want to create
7. create some note cards for seasonal and holiday markets
8. blog regularly....
9. create some drawings for blockprinting
10. create a portfolio on my website for artwork that is under $50
11. send out an enewsletter regularly
12. try to get my work in at least 2 other galleries/stores


  1. Kelly, thanks for submitting my blog to empty easel! How did you find me? Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson


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